Wednesday 30 April 2008

Expect the worst!

I guess that even after all this time I still expect the worst when I open the kiln following a glaze firing, perhaps that is for the best as I am usually happy if only one or two pieces emerge as seconds. The load I got out today was mostly good, all the work needed for urgent orders was fine, but the pendants were disappointing, the glaze which was a new batch was too thick causing the pendants to come out too creamy. Not bad though as all my little dishes and baubles were perfect:-)

I got stuck into making a new batch of pendants. Then started on an order for 20-21 Visual Arts Centre this is a new outlet for me in North Lincolnshire. I'm making both my hand built and slip cast pieces for them. Today I worked on the porcelain Drawn Daisy bowls. I was in exactly the right mood to make these today. I also enjoyed the view out onto the garden.

I only moved into the workshop in December and have done a lot of work to the building since then. It didn't have power or insulation or anything. (A few very cold days in the winter months only survived by wearing 4 jumpers and fingerless gloves!) The windows were all covered over with mesh and were full of old spiders webs and untold dead things! I attacked it this weekend and gave it a good clean! What a difference....I can now see out!

First Post

I have spent far too much time setting this up today so I can't write much in this first post! I have to get out to the workshop and empty the kiln!